Publicizing Your Recital & Program Templates

Students are responsible for publicizing their own recitals, which includes promoting the event, submitting it to relevant calendars, designing posters, and creating/printing their recital program.


Posters must adhere to the guidelines of not containing offensive language or any inappropriate content. Furthermore, posters are only allowed to be displayed on designated bulletin boards. If posters are found in unauthorized areas within the SOMD, they will be promptly removed.

UO Events Calendar

To submit your event information to the UO Events Calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Submit an event.”
  2. Ensure you provide the location, date, and time of the event.
  3. Use the specified format for the event title, such as “Senior Recital: Name, Instrument.”
  4. In the “Department” field, select “School of Music and Dance.” This ensures that your recital is automatically included in the SOMD Events Calendar and seen by the moderator.
  5. While not mandatory, it’s helpful if you can upload an eye-catching photo for your event. Please note that photo files should not exceed 5 MB in size.

Recital Program

It is the student’s responsibility to create and print recital programs for their recital. To ensure the templates function correctly, please download the Word document to your computer desktop.

DO NOT edit the templates in your internet browser.
DO NOT altar or edit the logos in any way.
DO NOT change the font. Please leave font choice as ‘Open Sans.’