Music Undergraduate Office Override Requests
To request that a seat be opened up for you in a particular course, please follow instructions below according to registration error message ( received. Once an override is processed, you may then register for the exact CRN(s) requested/approved. Always check your class schedule in DuckWeb to make sure that your registration is correct.
Major or Minor Restriction/College Restriction/Prerequisite (for Music Core only)
Level Restriction
Error message: This course is restricted by level. You do not meet this restriction.
- You are trying to register for a graduate-level class (500- or 600-level); register for the undergraduate level course instead (300- or 400-level).
Prerequisite or Test Score
Error message: You did not meet the prerequisite for the course you attempted to register for.
- If you believe you have already met listed prerequisites, please contact the Music Undergraduate Advisor ( about the registration block. Include in the email your 95# and course information including CRN(s).
- OR, to request that a prerequisite be waived, send an email to the course instructor using the email template below:
To: professor’s email
Subject: Request for Restriction OverrideDear Professor/Dr. ______,Due to a prerequisite restriction, I am unable to register for Subject ### – Title (CRN #####), lab CRN #####). [Insert explanation of why you wish to take this course, which prerequisites you are missing, why you believe you should be eligible to enroll in this course, and/or any information that could be useful to the instructor in evaluating your request.]In order to request clearance for this conflict, the Music Undergraduate Office will need to receive a statement of permission from you directly. If you agree to allow my enrollment in this course, please send a statement via email to
Thank you for your consideration,
your name
your 95#
Enrollment Override
Error Message: This course is full.
- To request that a seat be opened up for you, send an email to the course instructor using the email template below. (Hint: To view all sections offered, go to, or if using “Search for Open Classes” in the DuckWeb Registration Menu, be sure to un-check the “Show Open Classes Only” box.)
To: professor’s email
Subject: Request for Enrollment Override
Dear Professor/Dr. ______,
I am writing to request permission to enroll in Subject ### – Title (CRN #####), a course which is currently full. Note: It is recommended that you provide class meeting day/time details for courses with multiple sections, as well as justification for your request, such as a time conflict with other courses in which you are enrolled.
In order to have a seat opened up to me, the Music Undergraduate Office will need to receive a statement of permission for the enrollment override from you directly. If you agree to allow my enrollment in this section, could you please provide a statement of your approval via email to
Thank you for your consideration,
your name
your 95#
Time Conflict
Error Message: This course has a time conflict with CRN####. Select another CRN or rearrange your schedule to add this course.
- If both conflicting courses are music-subject, you may initiate a time conflict override request by sending an email to the course instructor using the email template below:
To: professor’s email
Subject: Request for Time Conflict Permission Statement
Dear Professor/Dr. ______,
Due to a time conflict with Subject ### – Title (CRN #####), I am unable to register for Subject ### – Title (CRN #####). In order to request clearance for this conflict, the Music Undergraduate Office will need to receive a statement of permission from one or both accommodating instructors directly. If you agree to this arrangement, please send a statement via email to
Thank you,
your name
your 95#
Notes regarding time-conflict overrides:
- The Registrar’s Office will not process conflict overrides for music courses that conflict with non-music courses.
- Unlike restriction and enrollment overrides, time conflict overrides result in students being automatically registered for both courses.
- If your request is approved by the Registrar, you will receive an email confirmation from the Music Undergraduate Office that the course has been added. It is then your responsibility to check via DuckWeb that your registration is correct.
If you have further questions, please contact the Music Undergraduate Academic Advisor at